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In the first half of 2023, according to preliminary results, the population of Prague increased by 16,077 people, reaching a total of 1,373,403 residents. The increase in the population was primarily due to migration (15,954 people), with 123 individuals added through natural births. Prague was the only region where the number of live births exceeded the number of deaths. Year-over-year, the number of live births, deaths, and immigrants decreased, while the number of emigrants increased. Compared to the final data of the first half of 2022, there was a year-on-year decrease in the overall population growth.

As of June 30, 2023, according to preliminary statistical data, Prague was home to 1,373,403 residents, consisting of 664,441 men and 708,962 women. Women accounted for 51.6% of the total population. These numbers include individuals granted temporary protection related to the war in Ukraine.

In absolute numbers and per 1,000 residents, Hl. M. Prague recorded the largest increase in the number of residents among all regions in the first half of 2023 (23.7 people per thousand residents).

In the first half of 2023, a total of 6,052 people died, while 6,175 babies were born. The number of deaths decreased by 4.1% annually, and the number of live births decreased by 9.0%. The number of births slightly exceeded the number of deaths, resulting in a natural population increase of 123 people in the first half of 2023. This natural increase was lower than that in the first half of the previous year when 481 people were added through natural means.

The total population increase in Prague in the first half of 2023 was mainly driven by migration, with 15,954 residents added to the region. The increase in migration was primarily due to international migration, with 15,883 more people moving to Prague than leaving. Prague gained 71 people through migratory balance with other regions of the Czech Republic.

In the first half of 2023, a total of 38,713 people immigrated to Prague, which was a 51.0% decrease compared to the same period in the previous year. The high number of immigrants in the previous year was due to the migration wave from Ukraine. From Prague, 22,759 people emigrated, marking a 38.7% increase compared to the previous year.

In absolute numbers and per 1,000 residents, Hl. M. Prague in 2023 recorded the largest increase in the number of residents among all regions in the Czech Republic. Thirteen out of fourteen regions in the Czech Republic experienced a population increase. The only region where the population decreased was the Ústecký region.

In the first half of 2023, Prague saw 2,937 marriages, a 10.6% decrease compared to the same period in the previous year. However, the total for the previous year’s first half was enriched by significant events in February, especially on February 22, 2022. The number of marriages per thousand residents reached 3.9 in Prague, which was the highest among all regions in the entire Czech Republic, both in absolute and relative terms.

During the same period, a total of 1,139 divorces were recorded. The percentage of children born out of wedlock in Prague decreased compared to the previous year to 39.4% (compared to 42.0% in the first half of 2022) and remained below the Czech national average of 47.7%. In interregional comparison, this was the lowest value. Thus, in the second quarter, Prague surpassed the Zlín region, where 40.0% of children were born out of wedlock. The highest percentage of illegitimate children was born in the Ústí region (62.5%) and the Karlovy Vary region (59.0%).

Of the total of 6,175 live births, 54.1% were firstborn, 36.6% were secondborn, and 9.4% were third or higher order children among all live births.

As of June 30, 2023, the most populous part of Prague was Prague 4 with 134,151 residents. Other urban districts with the highest number of residents included Prague 10 (117,363 residents), Prague 8 (109,790 residents), Prague 6 (107,866 residents), and Prague 5 (94,247 residents).

The urban district with the fewest residents as of June 30, 2023, was Prague-Nedvězí with 386 people. Other urban districts with the lowest number of residents were Prague-Královice (462 residents), Prague-Přední Kopanina (658 residents), Prague-Benice (746 residents), and Prague-Lochkov (825 residents).

Out of a total of 57 urban districts, 54 experienced an overall increase in the number of residents in the first half of 2023, while only three urban districts saw a decrease. The highest population increase occurred in Prague 9, with 1,769 people, followed by Prague 10 (1,343 people) and Prague 8 (1,292 people). The largest decrease was observed in the Prague 1 municipality, with 121 fewer residents.

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